Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Delay's Finally Getting His Come Uppens

Well it took long enough but Tom Delay (R, Texas), the House Majority Leader, has finally been charged with conspiracy in a campaign finance scheme, along with two associates. In response to the charges Delay has been forced to temporarily step down from his post has Majority Leader.

This is a good sign as it shows that law and order still have control over the country and that the whims the right cannot control government completely. For a while I was afraid that nobody in the Bush White House would ever be held accountable for anything. This is a good sign however tat people like Karl Rove will have to face the music for their involvement in illegal activities.

I will continue to follow up with this case as closely as possible.


The Eccentric said...

Let’s just hope Tom gets nailed good and even has to do some jail time. I think I would throw a party if that happened. Hopefully, this won't be the last of good news concerning our government.

The American Patriot Legion said...


Unfortunatly I think you may be right. The likelyhood that he will actually pay a price for his crimes is low. But at least we are headed in the right direction.

Philosophe Forum said...

Bush won, we're over it. Why not? There's a lot of fraudulent, stupid people that put him in office & have kept him there. As with all future convicts, it's only a matter of time.

On the other hand, someone as smarmy as Bugman might not ever have the opportunity to enjoy the effects of dropping the soap -- often!! Therefore, I take comfort in knowing that bad things happen to bad people eventually. What goes around, comes around.

Another hope --> The voters might grow brains, vote Bugman OUT, & Lampson IN.