Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wishing luck to those is Pakistan

I would like to take a moment to wish the best of luck to those affected by the earthquake that hit in Pakistan early this week.

They are estimating over a million people left homeless by this catastrophe, many at the base of the Himalaya mountains right as winter is about to hit. The original quake was a tremendous disaster leveling towns, but this is a disaster in of it self.

The U.N. is working hard to try and get to these people who have at this point spent 6 days nights in the cold as they are cut off from aid due to the extensive damage done by this killer quake.

At a time like this it is essential for the people of this country and all around the world to do whatever we can to help the victims of this natural disaster. If you would like to help please visit Network for Good: South Asia Quake where you can see what is needed most.


Nice Guy said... is a disaster related portal I created after the Katrina hurricane (in hopes to help). It is basically a web based software application that stores disaster related (from earthquakes to man-made terrorism) and searches through an online protected database.

Please submit natural diaster related websites or please post a blog about relief ideas or disaster prevention on the blogs :)

The American Patriot Legion said...

sounds like a great site. Make sure and update me as you improve upon it ect. and I will allow comments on it on this blog as well. I will add you to my links.