Monday, October 03, 2005


For a large portion of my life I have worked to ensure the civil liberties of my fellow Americans and I have in the last couple of months attempted to shed some light to you on the issues we have here in this country regarding our civil liberties.

I label myself a patriot because I truly believe that perusing liberty is a patriotic act, but I feel I have fallen short by not bringing up one major issue. This issue does not have anything to do with this country directly, and it would be easy for us as Americans to simply turn a blind eye has we have done for many many years. But I believe that as humans it is our duty to help those who cannot help themselves when we have the opportunity.

What I am talking about is the Chinese occupation of Tibet, a once free and sovereign nation, which was forced into Chinese control in 1950, since an estimated 1.2 Million Tibetans have been killed by the Chinese government, with an unknown amount more being tortured on a regular basis.

Although I am Buddhist I have long kept quite about this issue because I have been more focused on the issues here at home, but it is time that we, and the rest of the world take action. Before I go on I would like to make one thing clear, I am not talking about the invasion of another country as I am still staunchly opposed to the use of U.S. Military force to try and control the way other countries operate, I am however talking about the U.S. Government putting real pressure on the Chinese government to get out of Tibet.

My friend over at American Patriot & Liberal convinced me to step up to the plate and do something about what has become a genocide in Tibet (by any standard 1.2 Mil people in 50 years is a genocide, do the math that's 240,000 people a year at the hands of their oppressors.)

For those of you who do not know to much about this situation a brief history of what has occurred in Tibet is available at another great place to find information is they have great information on many of the current issues surrounding Tibet including Genocide, Education and propaganda, religious Freedom, etc.

In the end the fact is that Tibet is a sovereign nation that continues to be occupied by China and has been refused help by the American government as well as every other major government in the world. Why is it that we can be so damned ideological in one hand and attack countries like Iraq based on Saddam oppressing his people but we cannot even so much as put pressure on China to get out of a free country.

From this point forward I will be dedicating every Monday to updates on my new mission to help free Tibet. This blog will also continue to serve as an avenue for local and national issues, but it is long past due that serious discussion take place on this matter.


JeromeProphet said...

The Chinese complain about Japan's inability to cope with their savage treatment of the Chinese during WWII, but it's amazing how the Chinese government refuses to cease the occupation of Tibet.


The American Patriot Legion said...

Hell they won't even cease torturing or killing the innocent people of tibet, let alone the entire occupation. Yet we sit back and do nothing, wouldn't want to disrupt trade with China now would we.