Monday, December 03, 2007

Last One Standing (And it's not a good thing)

Well the United States is the last developed nation to not sign the Kyoto Protocol.

Australia's new Prime Minister's first course of action after taking office today was to sign the agreement to commit to curbing carbon emissions.

"This is the first official act of the new Australian government, demonstrating my government's commitment to tackling climate change," Rudd said in a statement.

First of all I would like to congratulate Prime Minister Rudd on taking this great step in the right direction so quickly after being elected. Second I have to ask, why on earth haven't we signed yet???

I know what the first argument is going to be. We rely far to heavily on fossil fuels in this country for our economy and to restrict emissions would do far to much damage to our economy. Well that's simply not true. Yes we are far to dependent on fossil fuels, an issue we should be trying to fix not blame for lack of progress. It is true that our economy might suffer slightly but can anyone show me a single shred of proof showing that it would cause any serious damage?

I sincerely doubt that every other developed nation would not have a problem but we would, think about it we are not the only ones who are dependent on fossil fuels. As a matter of fact that was Australia's argument against it until "a new report from the environment think tank the Climate Institute, written by government and university scientists, found that Australia's economy could easily cope with strong cuts in greenhouse emissions.

It said growth would fall by only 0.1 percent of gross domestic product annually if Australia set a target of 20 percent cuts in emissions by 2020 and aimed to be carbon neutral by 2050." Although I am sure that the numbers would vary slightly for the U.S. they would probably be similar.

Even if we take a bit of a hit to the economy the benefits far outweigh the risk. If our economy slumps a little we can always bring it back, if our ozone continues to be damaged at the rate it is currently there is no way to repair it. We are not talking about something that is political or something that effects us only today. We are talking about something that could easily mean the end of life on this planet if it isn't taken seriously and we don't do everything we can to stop it.

I know that people will say I am being overly dramatic, but when you get right down to it if Global Warming isn't stopped we all die. That simple. So instead of being the bull headed people we tend to be lets take action and sign the Kyoto agreement and start to take serious measures towards stopping it.


Anonymous said...

Blogging again? I sure hope you stay safe in the Army. I work with someone who joined, probably never thought he'd be sent to Iraq, because of what he does, and they sent him over just a few months after he got out of training.

Daus Luid said...

paito warna
data hk
