Well whatever civil rights we had left we can kiss goodbye. Supreme Court nominee Joe Alito has enough supporters in Senate to guarantee his confirmation and the end of the check and balance system.
Alito is a clear pawn for the Bush administration and the conservative party and it is almost certain that he will rule against abortion, homosexual marriage, the right to privacy and many other key issues.
Throughout his career he has been on the far right on issues and does not seem to mind if that is against what the Constitution says.
What scares me most about this move however his not just his personal motives, but the fact that the court is now far right and more dangerously is controlled by people who can be very easily considered Bush cronies.
This is not a new concept as throughout history President's have nominated those that not only are qualified but that they are in some way affiliated with, but those Presidents never attacked the Constitution the way this one has.
Never before has a President so openly gone against the will of our forefathers. Never before have we had to worry about being spied on or tortured or arrested without cause. And never before has a President attempted to blur the line between the Executive and Judicial branches of the government. Bush and the Republican congress are the first to ever attempt to overrule the Supreme Court by way of a Congressional bill.
This is a very dangerous time for civil liberties. A time when those who have been nominated and confirmed by this administration to show that they truly do believe in the justice system and the Constitution or to show that they are nothing more that pawns to the conservative party and the far right Christian base.
I sincerely hope that they prove to be worthy of the great honor which has been bestowed upon them, because this is one mistake that cannot be fixed as easily as ol' brownie.
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